Community sector banking, community enterprise foundation, community banking model, scholarships, Community Door, ABCN, do not lend to coal/coal seam gas, statement of commitment to the environment, reporting on Co2 emissions, partner to create shared value, etc..... I have worked on a project looking at ways to better discuss our existing CSR initiatives in the Annual Review.
Graduate, Adelaide - 31 Jul 2017
My company refused to lend to any business involved in the production of coal. They make regular contributions to the community and environment.
Graduate, Melbourne - 26 Jul 2017
Our Community Bank model is unique - we partner with Australian communities to distribute branch profits back into local causes. Two of my rotations were in the branch network, and one of my KPIs was to get involved in at least 1 community activity each quarter. With around 4000 branch staff, that equates to 16,000 volunteering opportunities a year. I have volunteered at School Fetes, hosted Work Experience programs and assisted with 'Saleability', a disability sailing group, just to name a few.
Graduate, Bendigo - 24 Jul 2017