Slower than normal
Graduate, Perth - 29 Oct 2023
Though the pathways up are somewhat limited, they are clearly defined and have set milestones.
Graduate, Perth - 26 Oct 2023
I am happy in my current role. I will be moving on to the next role soon, there was a push from my supervisors to get me moving on which was flattering. To be successful you need to be reliable, be willing to learn, pass down your knowledge.
Graduate, Perth - 25 Oct 2023
Byrnecut is a large group with areas to fit every expertise and it has business on multiple continents. There is lots of room to grow, and their retention is great.
Graduate, Perth - 25 Oct 2023
I am in the process of trying to see what the company wants from me for future career prospects.
Graduate, Perth - 24 Oct 2023