Updating Results

Department of Defence

  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees


Policy and Corporate Pathway, HR Stream at Department of Defence

I understand the significance of the tasks I am working on and how they contribute to the bigger picture.

The Graduate Program has been a great opportunity and chance to start my career after graduating from university. It gives me exposure to different work areas, work with different management styles and I can make new and diverse connections. 

My experience with the program so far has been great. I have sat in high-level meetings and understand the significance of the tasks I am working on and how they contribute to the bigger picture. I’ve also been lucky enough to participate in the Graduate Learning Experience. I’ve been on base tours, gone to Parliament House for question time, listened to stories from extraordinary ADF members and networked with other graduates and Defence personnel. I can also use my HR knowledge throughout my rotations. 

I knew that the work during my 3 rotations would be different, but I’ve found that the work has been very diverse and gave me the opportunity to use what I learnt in university as well.  

Being a part of a program like this is important for experience. You get to understand 3 different work areas, all vastly different, with new people, different tasks and outcomes. Networking is crucial in defence and overall in the APS. The Graduate Program makes it easy to widen your network. It gives you perspective on diverse management styles and the range of opportunities available to you in the future.    

I see this experience taking me further into the Department, it’s a great stepping stone into Defence and the broader APS.

One piece of advice I would give for a future Graduate or STEM cadet is that you have a year in the program, so take every opportunity you are handed and give everything a go. You may surprise yourself and enjoy something you never would’ve thought of participating in or working on.