STEM Cadet Program, Air Defence and Space Systems at Department of Defence
I applied for the STEM Cadetship because of its flexible work arrangements (i.e., the ability to undertake my placement days at times that were convenient to me, and fit into my university schedule), and the ability to get first-hand workplace experience relevant to my degree.
So far, I’ve enjoyed learning about all the projects Defence has to offer. It’s been a challenging (but positive) experience adapting to this new work environment. The work has been challenging but doable, and as my time goes on in the program, I feel I can give more back to my team and the projects they’re running.
What I found most surprising about the program was the complexity of the work that goes into acquiring and operating Defence capabilities – all the internal processes that have to occur before we see the ‘final product’.
The cadetship is a good ‘foot in the door’ to Defence and opens up career opportunities after the completion of my studies. It is a great way to ease into the professional workspace.
This experience has given me an avenue for future career opportunities within Defence – hopefully in an area where I can fully use of my (psychology) skillset and expertise.
My advice to future STEM cadets is to give it time. It’s definitely an adjustment starting in Defence, but things get easier as time goes on. Be patient with yourself@