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Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet (PM&C)

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Application Process & Interviews at Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet (PM&C)

7.8 rating for Recruitment, based on 14 reviews
Please describe the interview process and assessments.
Standard process
Graduate, Canberra - 12 Sep 2024
For the Graduate Program, the interview process and assessments were all unproblematic and it was very helpful that they were all facilitated virtually. The speed interview stage was definitely the most challenging, which involved being asked a question by an interviewer, provide an answer, and then the interviewer would switch to a different person to ask the next question. This repeated for 4-5 questions and required the interviewee (applicant) to make five first impressions, removing the ability to build rapport with the interviewer as in a traditional process.
Graduate, Canberra - 24 Aug 2024
One virtual assessment centre answering behavioural, cognitive questions and the like, ad-hoc (2 minutes time to think about your answer) recorded video interview (I think three or four questions, 1 minute for answer)
Graduate, Canberra - 09 Nov 2023
There are a few rounds of assessments for the graduate program. These may include cognitive and emotional testing, a group activity, and an interview.
Graduate, Canberra - 09 Nov 2023
Video interview, puzzles, group activity, speed interview, written assessment, mathematical assessment, comprehension, behavioural assessments
Graduate, Canberra - 08 Nov 2023
Written tasks, psychometric assessments and online interviews (both single and group).
Graduate, Canberra - 08 Nov 2023
The process started with an online application and online assessments. We were asked to complete written assessments and then progressed to assessment centres. The assessment centre comprised of individual 'speed interviews' and a group activity.
Graduate, Canberra - 02 Nov 2023
I did not apply to PM&C directly. I went through a different program where I preference PM&C as a place for employment.
Graduate, Canberra - 02 Nov 2023
My interview/assessment process were smooth and streamlined compared to some. Recruitment processes are currently changing, becoming more and more streamlined.
Midlevel, Canberra - 11 Oct 2015
Very easy, I came through the APS Indigenous Pathways.
Graduate, Canberra - 11 Oct 2015
There was a one on one interview and a group assessment. There was also psychometric and emotional intelligence testing.
Graduate, Canberra - 11 Oct 2015
The process is changed from when I was a graduate. It was a very straightforward process then, which involved a test then an interview. I understand things are a bit more difficult now they have introduced assessment centres (just adds more hoops to jump through).
Entry level, Canberra - 11 Oct 2015
The interview process and assessments were done through an assessment centre and these were competitive and quite tough though fair.
Entry level, Toowoomba - 11 Oct 2015
Interview process was long. There were several stages including: application, cognitive testing, emotional testing and interview.
Entry level, Canberra - 11 Mar 2015
Written application was followed by psychometric testing, then an invitation to an assessment centre for written test, group interview and individual interview. This was followed by a phone interview.
Entry level, Canberra - 11 Mar 2015
The interview was laid back and I was made to feel very comfortable during the process. However the interview was at the end of the day after an assessment centre, meaning I was tired and probably could have done better.
Graduate, Canberra - 11 Mar 2015
Many, many interviews and assessments, not all of which are indicative of how well you’ll fit into the workplace.
Graduate, Canberra - 11 Mar 2015
I went through online testing, a phone interview and finally a group assessment centre. The assessment centre included a group activity, individual interview, written task and retesting of the online tests.
Midlevel, Canberra - 11 Mar 2015
Assessments were lengthy and quite difficult relative to other organisations. The process itself was very long and quite arduous.
Graduate, Canberra - 11 Feb 2015
Written application, IQ testing, emotional intelligence testing, interview, referees.
Graduate, Canberra - 11 Feb 2015
What questions were you asked in your interviews?
Don't know
Graduate, Canberra - 24 Aug 2024
Situation-based questions, requiring answers in the STAR format (Situation, Task, Action, Result).
Graduate, Canberra - 09 Nov 2023
1 - personal and professional development 2- persevering in a challenging situation (obstacles/results) 3 - solving an ambiguous/challenging problem (research/solution) 4- working in diverse teams (managing/importance)
Graduate, Canberra - 09 Nov 2023
Can't quite remember - lots of scenario based questions
Graduate, Canberra - 08 Nov 2023
Questions regarding ability to work in a team, previous experience, why I wanted to work there, policy challenges facing the Commonwealth.
Entry level, Canberra - 11 Oct 2015
Nothing unusual — from memory it was mostly about how I cope working to tight deadlines and how I consult with people.
Entry level, Canberra - 11 Oct 2015
That is difficult to answer now as it was conducted back in 2013, but they were focused on skills and abilities and how I would be able to blend into the Public Service.
Entry level, Toowoomba - 11 Oct 2015
Questions included understanding the work of the Department, knowledge of key government priorities. Ability to show critical thinking analysis skills and the ability to show resilience.
Entry level, Canberra - 11 Mar 2015
Behavioural questions, such as name a time you did not get along with a colleague and what did you do to resolve the issue and ‘describe a time when something went wrong, or you failed to achieve something’. Subject matter questions such as ‘What are the types of issues facing Indigenous Australians today, and what do you think is the Government's role to address these issues?’
Entry level, Canberra - 11 Mar 2015
What I knew about the Department and general selection criteria questions.
Graduate, Canberra - 11 Mar 2015
Challenges facing Australia, APS scenario questions: describe a situation where....
Midlevel, Canberra - 11 Mar 2015
What skills can you bring? Why do you want to work for the Department? What is a difficult situation you have faced and how did you overcome it?
Midlevel, Canberra - 11 Mar 2015
Behavioural-based questions. However, my interviewers were very friendly and eager to have a chat with me afterwards about their job and other subjects.
Graduate, Canberra - 11 Feb 2015
Behavioural questions as well as questions about why I would like to work at the Department.
Graduate, Canberra - 11 Feb 2015
Do you have any specific tips and advice for candidates applying to your company? How would you recommend they best prepare?
Research the Department, read the Corporate Plan on the website, and look at the organisational chart to develop an idea of the areas that interest you. Use the Work Level Standards through the Australian Public Service Commission and tailor your resume and interview answers to address the capabilities required at the level of the position for which you are applying.
Graduate, Canberra - 24 Aug 2024
Think of great examples for behavioural questions along these lines and use them applying the STAR method. Back yourself, this is your time to shine and speak up, your experiences and knowledge matters.
Graduate, Canberra - 09 Nov 2023
Be yourself, don't try to present a version of yourself that isn't authentic. Think about your strengths and don't be afraid to talk about them! Just make sure you demonstrate your strengths using the STAR response (Situation, Task, Action, Result).
Graduate, Canberra - 09 Nov 2023
Be yourself, have lots of examples, use the star method, practice, practice, practice.
Graduate, Canberra - 08 Nov 2023
Use plain English, don't waffle or use lots of jargon. Be prepared to field questions on a broad range of issues. And research what the organisation does.
Midlevel, Canberra - 11 Oct 2015
Come up with some ideas. There's a new recruitment process that places value on alternative experiences and new ideas. This may be a little difficult for those outside the public service though.
Entry level, Canberra - 11 Oct 2015
Have a good grasp of current issues facing the Government and Australia.
Graduate, Canberra - 11 Oct 2015
Be aware of the Public Service ILS. Be aware that the interviews are strictly based on the merits of your answers, not other, softer skills.
Entry level, Canberra - 11 Mar 2015
Ensure you understand the work and the role of PM&C. Have a strong understanding of issues the Government is facing and the policy objectives the Government wishes to achieve.
Entry level, Canberra - 11 Mar 2015
Strong academic background is important, but varied work history, including volunteering, and interpersonal skills are equally important. Give examples of your behaviour, rather than listing activities or duties undertaken.
Entry level, Canberra - 11 Mar 2015
Read the annual report and look at the organisational structure to get a better understanding of what the Department does.
Midlevel, Canberra - 11 Mar 2015
Thoroughly know the issues surrounding your desired job and have a genuine interest/enthusiasm for them.
Graduate, Canberra - 11 Feb 2015
Write in simple prose. Make an impact. Convey what you want to say about yourself clearly and succinctly.
Entry level, Canberra - 11 Feb 2015
Understand the role of a central agency in the development of public policy.
Graduate, Canberra - 11 Feb 2015
Read the Annual Report to get a good sense of what the Department does. Talk to people who already work there.
Graduate, Canberra - 11 Feb 2015