Updating Results

Foodstuffs North Island

  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees

UAWB Internships 101

Event expired

Foodstuffs North Island will be at the UAWB Internships 101 Event!

Event Details

Tue 4 Apr 2023, 6:00pm
Tue 4 Apr 2023, 8:00pm
Time Zone
Auckland University Auckland 1010
You must be a member of UAWB to attend this event.

If you are a member of UAWB, come chat to some of our recruiters about Foodies! Join us for an interactive workshop and panel Q&A. At this event, you'll learn from industry experts about how to succeed in internships and build valuable connections with recruiters. The panel of professionals will share their insights and experiences and answer your burning questions about internships!