My current manager is an absolute gem and very knowledgeable. Very accessible and easy to talk to for information and feedback.
Graduate, Melbourne - 20 Mar 2024
All the managers I've had to date have been great. Very patient and understanding of our position. No issues in communication or feedback.
Graduate, Melbourne - 26 Oct 2023
Very little mentoring, feedback or communication. However, when issues arose they were quick to resolve.
Graduate, Melbourne - 24 Oct 2023
My manager has been supportive and very accessible to me when I have needed to communicate to them. They regularly check-in with me and the other Graduates to make sure we are doing well. The supervisors in the departments we are working in are also very helpful and accessible to their team, including me, even though I am with them temporarily throughout the year.
Graduate, Sydney - 26 May 2022
I have fortnightly catch-ups with my manager where we can address any issues and seek feedback.
Midlevel, Sydney - 23 May 2022
The managers are very accessible and always happy to assist with any task
Graduate, Sydney - 20 May 2022
Very accessible always feel as though you can speak to your managers great leadership and communication
Graduate, Sydney - 20 May 2022
My managers have not been as interactive as other graduates have had. Two managers in my time so far with minimal interaction
Graduate, Sydney - 10 Jun 2021
I am very satisfied with my manager. I am able to reach them easily and they act as a great mentor for me. Especially as an intern, having a manager who can teach and motivate is paramount. Furthermore, communication between them is quite natural and easy due to the ability to create strong bonds and professional relationships.
Intern, Sydney - 08 Jun 2021
Some team managers have been better than others. On the whole, I think the Gallagher team managers communicate well, are supportive and offer good feedback. Not all supervisors and managers have been easily accessible.
Graduate, Sydney - 02 Jun 2021
I've had great interactions and accessibility to managers at the company, most of them are good mentors, however it does vary a little bit between them.
Graduate, Sydney - 02 Jun 2021
Managers are very approachable and there is an open door policy.
Graduate, Sydney - 02 Jun 2021