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  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees

Career Prospects at Iress

7.2 rating for Career Prospects, based on 26 reviews
Please tell us about promotion possibilities and fill us in on what it takes to move up the ranks.
I was promoted in 2 months when a role came up which was great. Not sure about future progression
Graduate, Sydney - 02 May 2020
I don't know. . .
Graduate, Melbourne - 02 Mar 2017
Easy to change teams, harder to become a team lead, but if you are good it will happen.
Midlevel, Sydney - 02 Mar 2017
No formal experience myself, but seeing how others performances are being recognised and promptly rewarded with adequate recognition through celebration and promotion gives off the impression that it is very possible.
Graduate, Sydney - 02 Mar 2017
Not easy. Takes years. Maybe that's because there isn't much hierarchy, so moving up a 'rank' could be considered quite a large jump.
Midlevel, Melbourne - 02 Feb 2017
Unsure, haven't been in the company long enough to know. Some employees have risen in the ranks very quickly so i don't imagine it's too static.
Graduate, Sydney - 02 Feb 2017
Have not thought about promotion so far.
Graduate, Melbourne - 02 Feb 2017
To work in a large company with lots of talented people, you have to accept the fact that to move up, you need to be really outstanding.
Graduate, Melbourne - Invalid Date
The structure in the company is not very easy for individual to move up the ranks
Graduate, Sydney - Invalid Date
The company is about to launch a career pathways program that will clearly outline how to reach positions you want to within the company
Graduate, Melbourne - Invalid Date
I have already made moves to rank up, but withdrawn for personal desires (i wasn't done writing code). Company in general does have a problem promoting from within.
Graduate, Sydney - Invalid Date
Not too sure, i'm still in a standard engineer's position. The company hierarchy is quite flat so i don't think position translates that accurately to pay. I think experienced engineers with the same position title would earn a lot more than more junior engineers.
Midlevel, Sydney - Invalid Date
It would be better if people are more keen on trying out more different tech stack options in the backend teams.
Graduate, Melbourne - Invalid Date