We generally have events such as lunar new year, the indian festival of lights, and etc. For all cultures.
Graduate, Sydney - 02 Apr 2020
Iress regularly arranges events for helping people in need. There is a special iress foundation platform where each employee can donate money or volunteering.
Graduate, Melbourne - 02 Apr 2020
Fundraising events, eg. Executive team spent a night living on the street
Graduate, Sydney - 02 Oct 2017
I don't know much about it but i think it's good.
Graduate, Melbourne - 02 Mar 2017
We have a csr team funded by the company who run charity fundraising and environmental or community projects. I am on the csr team and the most recent project was for operation christmas child
Midlevel, Sydney - 02 Mar 2017
The company has an entire csr team that has the resources thrown behind it to ensure they can complete a variety of work, from volunteer work, to charitable fund raising.
Graduate, Sydney - 02 Mar 2017
Some stuff, ceo sleepout, soft drink vending machine revenue goes to charity - also cuts down on cost for iress (win-win?). Personally i helped a charity with their website way back in my first week here, but that's it really.
Midlevel, Melbourne - 02 Feb 2017
Active csr team both globally and in my office, i've done blood donations which were sponsored by csr, profits from drink machines go to charity and there are plenty of once off projects which they organise like charity bike rides, etc.
Graduate, Sydney - 02 Feb 2017
Frequent fundraising events.
Graduate, Melbourne - Invalid Date
There are a lot of volunteering opportunities available. We are given 3 days of leave specifically for volunteering.
Graduate, Sydney - Invalid Date
Partnership with twogood domestic violence charity
Midlevel, Sydney - Invalid Date
We actively participate in charity events. Such as two good cooking events, and iress foundation.
Graduate, Sydney - Invalid Date
Iress does regular fundraising activities for multiple charities, as well as encouraging its employees to make it down to the recent climate strike in melbourne and sydney
Graduate, Melbourne - Invalid Date
Iress foundation is a new movement that is redoubling efforts to ensure iress's csr responsibilities are not only met, but exceeded. I don't personally interact with this, but anyone who does is welcomed and encouraged to help out.
Graduate, Sydney - Invalid Date
Iress foundation have events all year round
Graduate, Sydney - Invalid Date