Questions about past experiences, volunteer work, situations i have been in where i do not have the expertise, how i would react in certain situations.
Graduate, Sydney - 02 May 2020
Technical, behavioural, agile (team)
Graduate, Melbourne - 02 Apr 2020
Questions about my background and my previous work. Technical questions on the theory that should be known. Bridge-building.
Graduate, Sydney - 02 Apr 2020
Given some scenario with a critical thinking problem, and the solution will require software concepts, including writing code. Asked about knowledge in web technologies and development, experience in previous roles.
Graduate, Sydney - 02 Oct 2017
Coding test included 2 question: 1. Code a small program to achieve the required function (can't remember what's the function) 2. Fix a bug within an existing program with maximal one line change. Face to face interview was mainly about basic programming knowledge and a few algorithm related question. In the end, there were a few intelligence questions.
Graduate, Melbourne - 02 Mar 2017
Group work; hr questions; technique questions;
Graduate, Melbourne - 02 Mar 2017
Technical questions about how i would approach problems and other informal socialising - how do i spend my free time, what am i interested in, etc
Midlevel, Sydney - 02 Mar 2017
I was asked technical questions (my specific interview having to do with list operations), i was asked questions about my education and my experiences at university, i was asked personal questions, like where i saw myself in the future and what i wanted to achieve, and questions about why i had pursued the company.
Graduate, Sydney - 02 Mar 2017
It was two years ago, so its hard to remember. Some technical questions about c++, some logical problems, questions about uni, my previous course, side projects, etc.
Midlevel, Melbourne - 02 Feb 2017
A mix of behavioural and technical questions.
Graduate, Melbourne - 02 Feb 2017
Soft skills: my previous working experience, social activities in uni technical: basic programming questions
Graduate, Sydney - Invalid Date
In the solo interview, i was asked questions pertaining to my experiences at university, my ambitions in the my career, and technical questions aiming to determine my thought processes.
Graduate, Sydney - Invalid Date
When meet with hr, questions are mainly about my soft skills. E. G. Describe the most impressive project you have in the university and why? for technical questions, i was asked about data structure, algorithm, database and multi thread etc.
Graduate, Melbourne - Invalid Date
Standard questions about myself, and about my experience with programming and projects, and software engineering questions, word riddles.
Midlevel, Sydney - Invalid Date
There were 2 different interviews, a behavioural interview and a technical interview. In the behavioural interview, i was asked about how i would act in certain situations which might occur in the workplace. In the technical interview, i was asked general questions about coding, software, and also asked to write some code in the interview.
Graduate, Melbourne - Invalid Date
How do you know iress? behavior testing, group testing, and technical testing.
Graduate, Melbourne - Invalid Date
Technical questions ("which sort is the fastest?") + behavioural questions ("what have you done that shows that you have iress's values?") + group interview (building a bridge with lego blocks in a team)
Graduate, Melbourne - Invalid Date
What is the most interesting project do you think in iress? what is the major tech stack iress is using?
Graduate, Melbourne - Invalid Date
Difficult tasks accomplished, team work, database, data structure, oo concepts, algorithms, etc.
Graduate, Melbourne - Invalid Date
Technical and behavioral questions.
Graduate, Sydney - Invalid Date