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  • 100 - 500 employees

Diversity at Johnstaff

9.5 rating for Diversity, based on 10 reviews
Please provide further information on diversity with respect to women, ethnic minorities and LGBT. Please comment on issues such as recruitment, retention, promotion, child care, maternity leave, etc.
Johnstaff outlines a commitment to diversity in the workplace with emphasis on involving more women in the Construction industry as they are underrepresented in the industry.
Graduate, Melbourne - 15 Jan 2024
In Project Management, there is approximately a 50:50 gender diversity. There are people from different ethnicities and we all work together well.
Graduate, Sydney - 08 Feb 2022
Johnstaff are very diverse in regards to ethnicity, women employees within a male dominant industry and are inclusive of all.
Graduate, Melbourne - 04 Feb 2022
Johnstaff places an emphasis on diversity and facilities a supportive environment that offers equal opportunity to all staff. Flexible working times are encouraged where possible to work with family demands. Diversity days are celebrated at Johnstaff and their importance is discussed during monthly meetings. An initiative that has recently been implemented is a diversity suggestion box, where employees can provide anonymous suggestions on how the company can provide a more supportive environment with respect to diversity.
Midlevel, Melbourne - 14 Jan 2022
Johnstaff is a multicultural company with a 50/50 average across the entire company of men and women. The company is home to many LGBTQI people and it is something that is celebrated. Johnstaff accommodate for all variations of religious holidays and encourage learning and understanding of different cultures which is a great way to get closer to each other as colleagues and friends. The company also has a relatively low staff turnover rate with many people in the business for 5 years or more.
Midlevel, Sydney - 22 Dec 2021
Johnstaff is made up a very diverse team including race and sex as well as overall being Workplace Gender Equality compliant.
Graduate, Sydney - 25 Jan 2021
Johnstaff is a very inclusive company and as a whole is approx 50/50 men and women with a wide range of nationalities. No one cares what your sexual orientation is and the company is very accommodating to peoples needs outside of the workplace. The construction section of the company does struggle with gender equality, through no fault of their own. This is an industry wide issue and as the only current female in this area I hope I can encourage others to join.
Graduate, Sydney - 22 Jan 2021
What does your company do to attract applicants from less privileged backgrounds?
Johnstaff target a diverse group of candidates via their graduate program, so that less privileged individuals have the opportunity to apply through the program.
Graduate, Melbourne - 04 Feb 2022
Johnstaff offers fair opportunity to all who are interested in the industry.
Graduate, Sydney - 25 Jan 2021
I am not closely aware of this but I do know they commit to engaging people to benefit from certain projects that they work on.
Graduate, Sydney - 22 Jan 2021