Graduate Accountant at Forvis Mazars Australia
Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting) at The University of Queensland (UQ)
7.15 AM
I slowly enter consciousness to the sound of my housemate’s cat scratching on my door – my bed is her favourite spot in the house and a 7 o’clock wakeup call is generous by her standards.
7.30 AM
After a quick shower and a hearty breakfast of three Weetbix generously drizzled in honey, I’m off to the train station city-bound.
8.00 AM
The weather is pretty good today which makes the walk through ANZAC square quite a pleasant way to start the day; the tunes are blasting, the people are bustling and it’s Friday so the mood is at an overall high.
8.15 AM
I exit the elevator and head straight to the café where the coffee machine awaits me. Yeah, I’m one of those people who needs a morning coffee (and the subsequent five throughout the day) to function.
8.20 AM
Time to get into it. This morning, I’m finishing off the financials and income tax returns for a family group that contains four trusts, six companies and fifteen individuals. Jobs like this are a massive team effort, and it feels good to be so close to the finish line.
10.30 AM
I’ve scheduled a quick meeting with my manager to discuss the final review points of the job. All the managers are extremely approachable and generous with their time, so I like to make the most of it and go over jobs with them in person rather than solely via email.
11.00 AM
With the last review points actioned, I do my mandatory sanity checks and send the job off for final review. This calls for a celebratory coffee.
11.10 AM
One of the partners has just come over to let me know that a client of his has sent through the work for their monthly BAS. This particular client operates an agribusiness, which is an industry that our team specialises in. Being exposed to primary production and building these client relationships really makes you appreciate that Bunnings snag even more.
12.30 PM
My stomach is now grumbling at a concerning volume, but it’s Friday, which means that myself and a few of my teammates head down to the Victory Hotel for lunch, as is our tradition. A club sandwich is going to hit the spot right about now.
1.30 PM
As I arrive back at my desk, I decide to call the ATO about some payroll figures I’ve been meaning to chase up. I love the on-hold music…
3.00 PM
An inbound email flickers at the bottom of my screen. My manager has requested some assistance in preparing capital gains tax advice for a client who recently sold their investment property. To complicate things, the client was briefly a foreign resident before using the property as their main residence, so I’ll need to refer to CheckPoint and the ATO website for any rulings and potential exemptions.
5.00 PM
A few of us have decided to have some afternoon drinks in the café. Weekend plans and our most recent crypto lemons are hot topics.
6.00 PM
I eventually head home, get changed and set off for the gym. I usually go with a schoolmate back on the peninsula, which is a bit of a hike for me, but sessions are more enjoyable with company.
8.30 PM
I’m home in time to watch the rest of the footy whilst cooking some dinner (very liberal use of the word “cooking”). After a shower it’s straight into some Netflix – I’ve been loving Kim’s Convenience lately. Another week: done.