My normal working hours are 8.30 till 6pm or 7pm. The company is very flexible with working hours and location. I am welcome to work from home whenever I wish and provided I get my work done within the allocated time, work is not concerned with when I do the work.
Midlevel, Melbourne - 15 Apr 2021
I was well aware of the long hours expectation of corporate law firms before I commenced at NRF. I give this a 5/10 because some weeks I have worked 60+ hour weeks, and some weeks I have work 40 hours weeks.
Graduate, Brisbane - 12 Apr 2021
Work hours are generally 8:30 - 6pm. Later days are likely to happen in bursts, usually once or twice a month. NRF is quite flexible with hours and some people adopt a "start early-finish early" approach.
Graduate, Brisbane - 12 Apr 2021
Highly flexible - a lot of team members work from home on a regular basis. It is open to me to do the same provided it is communicated with everyone first.
Graduate, Brisbane - 09 Apr 2021
It certainly has not been like the horror stories you hear of grads working till the early hours of the morning (yet). Even as a grad, I've been given permission to work from home regularly which greatly helps my work-life balance.
Graduate, Brisbane - 09 Apr 2021
Overtime is factored into our pay so expectations are clear. I leave on time when my workload is light although it feels a bitt odd since other people seems to stay back. Flexibility with hours depend on the workload but arrangements can be made with your supervisor to accommodate for requirements.
Graduate, Sydney - 09 Apr 2021
The company is flexible. However, I am in a unique position where I also work with the Perth litigation team, who are two hours behind. This can often be challenging when it comes to scheduling my work week.
Graduate, Brisbane - 09 Apr 2021