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Policy Futures Graduate Program (Queensland Government)

  • > 100,000 employees

Clayton Eltis

Master of Business (Management) at QUT (Queensland University of Technology)

I have benefited greatly from being able to rotate through various teams and departments to experience not only different aspects of policy work, but different styles of doing the work. I have enjoyed getting to work with a diverse range of people and to also be a part of a graduate cohort that can support me throughout my time in the program.

About you

I’ve lived in South East Queensland since I was young and I graduated from the Queensland University of Technology with a Master of Business (Management) after completing my undergraduate studies in both Business and Creative Industries.  I have previous work experience in customer service in the Arts sector.

What interested you most about the program

As a Queenslander, I have always had an interest in being a part of the Queensland Public Service to be able to contribute back to Queensland. Policy has always interested me as instrument for me to be able to do this through and seemed like good path forward from my studies. When I saw the Policy Futures Graduate Program, it stood out due to the added benefit above other programs of getting to experience rotations in different departments. I found this helpful as I wasn’t quite sure where I would best fit in.

How was the recruitment process?

The recruitment process looked overwhelming at first, but communication from the Policy Futures team provided clarity on what to do at each stage which helped reassure me. I could see how each stage was helpful in shortlisting applicants and the process also help me understand more what skills were most beneficial to use now that I am in the role.

Is the program what you thought it would be?

I really wasn’t sure what to expect with the program having had no government experience nor experience working full-time when I applied. I was quite nervous that I wouldn’t be the right ‘fit’ for the program, even once I had gotten in, but I have felt very supported throughout the entire program. I don’t think it is possible to really know what it is like to work as a Policy Officer until you have the experience yourself, so I am grateful to the program for being able to provide that.

Has the program shaped your career direction?

I wasn’t quite sure of my long-term goals going into the program, but the program has prepared me to for a career as a Policy Officer and incentivised me through the great experience I have to want to continue to grow my career within the Queensland Public Service.

What have the highlights of the program been so far?

I have benefited greatly from being able to rotate through various teams and departments to experience not only different aspects of policy work, but different styles of doing the work. I have enjoyed getting to work with a diverse range of people and to also be a part of a graduate cohort that can support me throughout my time in the program. My best highlight so far is seeing legislation I had worked on being introduced and passed in Parliament and knowing that my work made an impact on Queensland.

Do you have any tips and advice for students/graduates thinking about applying for Policy Futures?

If having passion for the work you do is important to you, you would fit right in in the Policy Futures Graduate Program and in the Queensland Public Service. While it is important, especially in the recruitment process, to display the knowledge and skills that are needed for a Policy Officer, don’t forget that displaying that passion, is just as important.