2 interviews
Graduate, Sydney - 03 Feb 2022
Assessment - tricky Individual interview - gained insight into the company and it's culture and saw if I was a fit Panel interview - more challenging, probed a lot
Graduate, Sydney - 03 Feb 2022
Assessment - tricky individual interview - gained insight into the company and it's culture and saw if i was a fit panel interview - more challenging, probed a lot
Graduate, Sydney - 03 Feb 2022
Assessments - these were not easy individual interview - i gained a great insight into what it is like to work for the company and answer lots of questions. panel interview - challenging but i also gained a good insight into the type of work i would engage in and the company's culture
Graduate, Sydney - 03 Feb 2022
Standard interview format
Graduate, Sydney - 03 Feb 2022
You have to do testing first, and then a screening interview. after the screening interview, i did a panel interview with 3 senior directors at p&g which took about 1.5 hours
Graduate, Sydney - 03 Feb 2022
I had to complete online testing first. afterwards, i had 3 interviews i had to attend before i got offered the job.
Midlevel, Sydney - 06 Jul 2021
Long and thorough
Graduate, Sydney - 07 Apr 2021
The first stage was a personal questionnaire, resume and cover letter. this was followed by an aptitude test. then, you undertake a short screening interview that lasts approximately 30 minutes and gives you the opportunity to ask questions about the company and the role you are applying for. the final stage is a panel interview that lasts approximately 60-75 minutes. you will be asked a range of behavioural and problem-solving questions, and will be invited to ask questions to the panel in return.
Intern, Melbourne - 06 Apr 2021
3 interviews 1. online assessment 2. interview 3. situational/comprehensive interview
Intern, Sydney - 06 Apr 2021
Higher rejection rate than harvard. 3 interview stages.
Graduate, Sydney - 02 Nov 2015
1) online application 2) online personality test 3) written aptitude test at the office 4) one-to-one interview (behavioural questions mostly) 5) three-to-one interview (behavioural questions mostly)
Graduate, Melbourne - 02 Nov 2015
There were a few rounds of interviews and tests to go through. this process took a few months but it was all worth it in the end.
Graduate, Sydney - 08 Oct 2015
Resume and cover letter assessment, written cognitive reasoning test (45 mins), one-on-one interview (30mins), three interviewers on one candidate interview (1 hour).
Graduate, Sydney - 07 Oct 2015
Online test, written test, 1:1 interview and a final panel interview
Graduate, Sydney - 06 Oct 2015
Quite a few asssessements involved before getting a phone interview or final interview.
Graduate, Melbourne - 06 Oct 2015
There is a in-person test, then short interview based on 3 behavioural questions and then a longer final round panel interview based on the 9 success drivers.
Graduate, Brisbane - 06 Oct 2015
An initial psychometric assessment, followed by a reasoning test, 1:1 interview and then panel interview.
Graduate, Sydney - 05 Oct 2015
Online submission, testing, one on one interview, panel interview
Graduate, Melbourne - 05 Oct 2015
5 part interview process. 1st part was a management drivers test. 2nd part submission of cv. 3rd in house logic and reasoning test. 4th stage 1 interview. 5th stage 2nd interview
Midlevel, Melbourne - 05 Oct 2015