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Rural Bank

  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees

Georgia Sheahan

Graduate at Rural Bank

Bachelor of Agricultural Sciences at University of Melbourne

Currently, my tasks include vetting and data build, so I am getting used to identifying documents as well as inputting data into our database.

6.30 AM

Housemate alarm goes off, so I lay awake waiting for mine to go off. Have a coffee before heading off on my bike to the gym.

8.00 AM

Have a shower at work.

8.25 AM

Head upstairs, to start the day.

I am currently working in the Regional Investment Corporation, who are inundated with government loan applications related to drought and Agbiz (infrastructure improvements).

I check my emails whilst eating my breakfast at the desk. My emails currently consist of graduate related information as well as tasks that have been assigned to me. Currently, my tasks include vetting and data building, so I am getting used to identifying documents as well as inputting data into our database.

9.30 AM

Enjoy a coffee as well as a chat with someone new at the kitchen.

9.35 AM

Head back to my desk to continue with my assignments.

1.20 PM

Lunchtime! I usually sit out on the balcony and eat tuna and salad, which I bring from home. I then go outside for a walk around the shops, completing some errands or attending appointments.

2.20 PM

Head back into the office to finish off the working day.

5.00 PM

Head back home on my bike.

5.30 PM

Go for a run around Lake Weeroona, and then head to the netball courts to shoot goals.

7.00 PM

Have tea and prepare my breakfast and lunch for the following day.