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SW Accountants & Advisors

  • 100 - 500 employees

Grace Guo

Master of Professional Accounting at Griffith University

Working in SW, everyone is very active in helping each other, which gives me the motivation to improve myself.

6.30 AM

I woke up at 6.30 am in the morning and spent 15 minutes stretching. It’s a good way for me to start the whole day.

7.00 AM

Had breakfast at home and prepared some food for lunch.

8.00 AM

Commute to the office on the bus and listen to music on the way.

9.00 AM

I chatted with my colleagues about interesting things that happened over the weekend when I got to the office. Then I started work at 9.00 am, I spent half an hour checking emails and organizing the to-do list for the day.

9.30 AM

We have a short morning huddle between teams every morning. I briefly summarize my workload to my manager and let them know which parts I may need their help with.

Working in SW, everyone is very active in helping each other, which gives me the motivation to improve myself.


10.30 AM

I made myself a cup of coffee during the coffee break.


11.00 AM

This morning, I had a discussion with one of the seniors in Melbourne to talk about an upcoming stock take for their clients and then selecting samples for the stock take.

12.30 PM

It’s time for lunch.

In the dining area, I often chat with colleagues from other departments. They might be from the tax department or the BPCA department. 

1.30 PM

After lunch break, I went back to work.

I am focusing on some accounts receivable testing this afternoon. It is necessary to refer to the working papers from previous year and consider this year’s actual situation, then set up this year’s tests.

3.30 PM

After completed working papers, I listed the missing documentations that we need to request from the clients and the queries that I’m stuck at.

Discussed with colleagues and get helps from them.


5.00 PM

Check my To Do list again, highlighted unfinished tasks. 

Wrapping up all the workpapers and filling in the timesheet.

5.30 PM

I log off for the day and get ready to back home by bus.

6.30 PM

Cook some food for dinner with housemates.


9.30 PM

Off to bed and get ready for the next day.