Bachelor of Commerce at Macquarie University
What did you study at University?
Macquarie University studying a bachelor of commerce majoring in marketing with a minor in psychological science.
What career will you pursue after leaving the TCS graduate program?
I hope to further pursue a career within marketing maybe specifically looking at going into advertising or promotions!
What are you hoping to get from the graduate program?
I am hoping to further develop my skills by putting the theory I learnt from my degree into practice.
Who is your professional hero?
Emma Watson she’s an inspiration!
What is the best advice you've ever received?
The best way to get started is to do just that - start.
iPhone or Android?
Your favourite quote?
“The best way to get started is to stop talking and start doing” - Walt Disney
What’s your favourite app?
Where do you want to travel to next?
Japan and Korea
What’s your go-to study snack?
Fruit smoothie
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