Justin [00:00:03] As a Grad, can you walk me through a little bit of what a day in your life looks like? What you do, it will vary for, you know, depending on the position. But specifically, how does your day sort of look?
Sheridan [00:00:12] Yeah. So with our grads, we do have about a four rotation throughout the city, but three blocks of three months where you're in different positions. So within that rotation, it depends, like you said, on what role you're doing. It is very different. Lots of our grads have different projects that they work on. So they might be meeting with different managers or different heads of the business to understand the information that they'll need for the projects that they're working on, whether it's an analytical project, an IT project. So lots of it would be meeting with people and then really knuckling down in that project for probably most of their day.