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Alexandra Galea

Australia Retail and Commercial Graduate at ANZ

Bachelor of Arts at Monash University

Hear from Australia Retail & Commercial Graduate, Alexandra Galea, on how she spends her day as a Graduate working from home in ANZ's Inclusion Australia Team.  

7.30 AM

“*BUZZ BUZZ* Is that my alarm?” I wonder as I roll over to catch a few more moments of bliss. But as hard as I try to incorporate the loud buzzing into my dream, I cannot deny it any longer – it’s time to get up. Working from home has afforded me the luxury of choosing to snooze my alarm a little longer, but I brave the cold world outside of my bed as I know I will regret not starting my day early. I like to take my time in the morning, so I get up early enough to squeeze in a walk that always help wake both my body and mind. 


8.59 AM

After popping on a pair of what I call, business casual trackies, it’s time to commute to the office.

9.00 AM

Now that I’ve trekked all the way upstairs to my office, I can spend some time checking over and responding to any emails and scanning my calendar. I find this is the best way for me to organize and plan out my day, listing my tasks from high to low priority and establishing a to-do list. But of course, none of this is done without an iced latte by my side.  


11.00 AM

It’s Stand-Up time! ANZ leverages Agile Methodology practices in order to deliver great results for its customers, and provide straightforward techniques for different teams to work productively. At the start of the week my team conducts a Stand-Up meeting via Microsoft Teams. Our team leader shares her screen to reveal the teams’ Kanban board, where we review everyone’s progress on their individual pieces of work. We also take this time to each discuss our Wins, Learns and Challenges of the previous week, and our tasks for the coming week. This is a great opportunity to learn more about the fascinating projects that our team is working on, and also provides a nice chance to connect socially as we always find time for a laugh and some chitchat. 

12.00 PM

It has arrived – lunchtime! I’d be lying if I said I hadn’t already scheduled a few meetings with the fridge earlier in the day, but that’s just one of the many perks of working from home!

1.30 PM

As it’s a beautiful day, I take my next meeting outside. I’m working with Sangi on one of the many important projects we do in the Inclusion Australia team, and that’s the Given a Chance Program. This program offers 6-12 month placements for asylum seekers and refugees, allowing them to gain meaningful employment in the Australian workforce and gain crucial skills and experiences within ANZ. I am so proud to get to work on this partnership with the Brotherhood of St Laurence, and be a part of an area of the bank that truly changes people’s lives.  

Zoom meeting

3.30 PM

The sun is still shining in my outdoor office as I join my next meeting to discuss the intricacies of another initiative led by Inclusion Australia. Our Indigenous Traineeship Program proudly offers opportunities to school based and full time Indigenous youth, working to close the gap between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians with the help of external Group Training Organizations. We meet with them fairly regularly to discuss any challenges or success stories with the recruitment and management of participants.