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Commonwealth Superannuation Corporation (CSC)

  • 100 - 500 employees

Application Process & Interviews at Commonwealth Superannuation Corporation (CSC)

8.6 rating for Recruitment, based on 5 reviews
Please describe the interview process and assessments.
The graduate hiring process was long, but Minh stayed in contact with us all and kept us in the loop.
Midlevel, Canberra - 30 Nov 2022
The application process involved several stages, these were all very well-communicated and explained
Graduate, Canberra - 23 Nov 2022
The interview process and assessments were very well organised. The graduate team were in contact regularly with updates. I felt the assessments were given context appropriately so we would understand where they tied into the role.
Graduate, Canberra - 21 Nov 2022
Very thorough but fair. I sometimes think politics play a part in selecting a candidate instead of selecting the best person.
Graduate, Canberra - 18 Nov 2022
Pretty standard grad hiring process. Bunch of tests then an interactive day at the end. This was better than most due to the promptness of their replies, many companies will not maintain communication throughout the process.
Graduate, Canberra - 17 Nov 2022
A long process but worth while. High calibre of grads
Graduate, Melbourne - 29 Sep 2016
Initial phone interview, online testing, face-to-face interview
Graduate, Melbourne - 29 Sep 2016
Application, online assessment and face-to-face assessment centre
Graduate, Melbourne - 29 Sep 2016
Assessment Centre, Formal face-to-face interview and phone interview
Graduate, Sydney - 28 Sep 2016
At first there was an online assessment and then there were various interviews with different people from CSC.
Graduate, Melbourne - 28 Sep 2016
Phone - Online assessment - Assessment Centres - Some would get half day catch up with final interviewers - Verbal offers - Paper offers
Graduate, Melbourne - 28 Sep 2016
Two assessments, one on personality and one on analytical and logical ability. One interview, lasted for around 45 minutes.
Graduate, Melbourne - 28 Sep 2016
It�s very thorough.
Graduate, Melbourne - 28 Sep 2016
I was an exception to the norm as I was overseas travelling and conducted my interviews via skype calls
Graduate, Sydney - 28 Sep 2016
I have gone through several interview processes and assessments: 1. Phone Interview, 2. Online Assessment, 3. Assessment Centre, 4. Three on one Behaviour Interview, 5. One on one Interview with the business lead
Graduate, Melbourne - 28 Sep 2016
Phone interview followed by an Group Assessment Centre
Graduate, Melbourne - 20 Dec 2015
I had 2 hybrid (technical and HR) interviews and I had to write an essay summarizing my experience and knowledge in programming in Java.
Graduate, Perth - 18 Dec 2015
As I was offered a placement via university, my interview process was different to that of a graduate. I had to maintain a certain average in my university subjects, go through an interview with my university and then finally an interview with CSC staff members.
Intern, Melbourne - 17 Dec 2015
As I was living in a different state to where the position was i applied for, my interview process started over the phone with a 30 minute interview. From there I was asked to compete a series of testing which included personality tests, mathematics tests and pattern and analysis tests.. Once I progressed I sat a Skype interview with my manager to avoid travelling.
Graduate, Sydney - 16 Dec 2015
Initial phone interview -> online assessment -> 1st interview (with HR) -> 2nd Interview (Consulting Partners and Line manager)
Graduate, Melbourne - 13 Dec 2015
What questions were you asked in your interviews?
Behavioural questions, what we knew of superannuation.
Midlevel, Canberra - 30 Nov 2022
How do you work in teams?
Graduate, Canberra - 23 Nov 2022
There was a culture fit assessment thing. Otherwise just psychometric/aptitude testing
Graduate, Canberra - 17 Nov 2022
Very different. from innovative questions, to basic what would you do in this scenario
Graduate, Melbourne - 29 Sep 2016
Many behavioural questions.
Graduate, Melbourne - 29 Sep 2016
Career ambitions, personality
Graduate, Melbourne - 29 Sep 2016
Why CSC, what are my strength and weaknesses
Graduate, Sydney - 28 Sep 2016
General questions, questions around my degree and university, and behavioural/situational questions
Graduate, Melbourne - 28 Sep 2016
1. Why CSC? 2. Long and short term goals
Graduate, Melbourne - 28 Sep 2016
Why I want to work there, what I have done in the past. Questions relating to my CV, whether I would be willing to relocate and travel if needed.
Graduate, Melbourne - 28 Sep 2016
Question related to academics, SAP, Information System, IT Strategy and Process Optimization
Graduate, Melbourne - 28 Sep 2016
Give us an example of when you were in a leadership position. What are you expectations of this role? What are some of your interests?
Graduate, Sydney - 28 Sep 2016
There were questions about my previous experience (professional and volunteering experience), my career goal (what i would like to achieve in next 5 years) and my interests.
Graduate, Melbourne - 28 Sep 2016
Describe yourself using a random photo; How much do you know about the Company? What are your aspirations?
Graduate, Melbourne - 20 Dec 2015
I was asked general questions about myself, questions that tested my knowledge of the company and other behavioral questions.
Intern, Melbourne - 17 Dec 2015
I was asked about my previous experience and how that can be brought to my new role. I was also asked to provide lots of example about where in my life I have shown certain capabilities. For example the ability to follow processes.
Graduate, Sydney - 16 Dec 2015
What is your future goal? What do you know about CSC? What have you learned in your IT courses? How did you manage conflict within workplace? How did you respond to changes in management?
Graduate, Melbourne - 13 Dec 2015
Many behavioural questions, what do you know about CSC?
Graduate, Melbourne - 08 Dec 2015
The first interview was based on my previous experience and what I had studied. The second interview was more towards my personality, some of my experiences as well as some behavioural question. The last interview involved more about the possible opportunities at CSC and the current projects that I could potentially get involved in.
Graduate, Melbourne - 08 Dec 2015
Details about my experience and how I'd behave in certain situations.
Graduate, Adelaide - 07 Dec 2015
Do you have any specific tips and advice for candidates applying to your company? How would you recommend they best prepare?
Be open to any type of work or experiences. Have good communication skills. Be friendly. Practice a lot.
Midlevel, Canberra - 30 Nov 2022
Understand the CSC values
Graduate, Canberra - 23 Nov 2022
Research practice questions to prepare, but don't try too hard to memorise your answers. Its better to speak candidly, and be able to improvise in case the assessments or interview questions are different from what you practiced. Familiarise yourself with the STAR method - this will come in handy for every question at any interview with any prospective employer. Make sure you have some sensible examples from previous work, your education or even at home. Do not leave a question such as "give us an example of a previous time at your workplace" blank because you haven't been employed before. Keep your answers succinct, clear (do not refer to unique concepts or systems without explaining), and include each point of the STAR method. Signposting can assist with clarity and direction.
Graduate, Canberra - 21 Nov 2022
Be yourself and explain why you are the best fit for the organisation.
Graduate, Canberra - 18 Nov 2022
Get good at aptitude testing.
Graduate, Canberra - 17 Nov 2022
Be yourself. think outside the box
Graduate, Melbourne - 29 Sep 2016
Do your research on the company, be confident and be yourself!
Graduate, Melbourne - 29 Sep 2016
Be natural
Graduate, Melbourne - 29 Sep 2016
Be prepared and research the company - and during the interview be yourself :)
Graduate, Melbourne - 28 Sep 2016
Just be themselves. If not the case, CSC wasn't for them.
Graduate, Melbourne - 28 Sep 2016
Make sure that your abilities are clear, and that you show you are capable. This can be done through the interview and your cover letter. Make your interest evident.
Graduate, Melbourne - 28 Sep 2016
Focus on the aptitude and academics, project the best field of interest.
Graduate, Melbourne - 28 Sep 2016
Graduate, Sydney - 28 Sep 2016
It is really important to set up your career goal and be clear on it (what you enjoy the most, what you are good at and what you would like to achieve or become in next 5 - 10 years).
Graduate, Melbourne - 28 Sep 2016
Have an open mind and be willing to try any business unit/area within the company.
Graduate, Melbourne - 20 Dec 2015
Study similar interview questions found online and research on the technical areas they cover before facing the interview.
Graduate, Perth - 18 Dec 2015
My recommendation would be to find out more about CSC and look at general market trends that are related to the field you are applying for.
Intern, Melbourne - 17 Dec 2015
Be confident in your answers even if you arnt sure you are answering the question correctly. Also, use lots of specific example to demonstarte your experience in a certain area.
Graduate, Sydney - 16 Dec 2015
1. Have very clear and defined career goals (do a lot of research about the position you are applying for, understand their roles and responsibilities, and explain what you want to achieve in 5 - 10 years). 2. Be prepared to ask relevant questions during interviews (e.g. Could you please tell me more about CSC culture? How do you support your graduates in terms of developing their core skills?)
Graduate, Melbourne - 13 Dec 2015
Do your research on the company as it's always something the interviewer is keen to know!
Graduate, Melbourne - 08 Dec 2015