Resume, responses to key selection criteria, "assessment centre" (an interview and a short written piece.
Graduate, Canberra - 16 Nov 2016
Undertook one interview and one written assessment.
Graduate, Canberra - 14 Nov 2016
The assessment process was targeted to a generalised IT discipline and didn't really take specialisations into account.
Graduate, Sydney - 14 Nov 2016
Submission of application, resume and selection criteria. Three months later I received an offer to be interviewed. The interview involved a written assessment requiring me to write policy advice for a specific question. This was immediately followed by an interview. Four months after the interview I was offered a position.
Graduate, Canberra - 14 Nov 2016
The recruitment process involved an application, assessment centre which involved a short interview and written assessment.
Graduate, Canberra - 14 Nov 2016
The interview process was very supportive. Unlike other departments, there is no psychometric testing. The graduate team genuinely want to read your application and get to know you. The interview itself involved a 1 hour panel interview and a short written assessment tailored to the kind of work a graduate is expected to do.
Graduate, Canberra - 14 Nov 2016
Written application Assessment centre - Panel interview and writing task
Graduate, Canberra - 14 Nov 2016
The first stage of the application process was submitted an application with selection criteria. Unlike other Departments, there was no online testing for this selection process so the next stage was the Assessment Centre. The Assessment Centre contained an interview and a written task.
Graduate, Canberra - 10 Nov 2016
The assessment centre consists of a panel interview and case study. The panel interview is usually conducted with 2-3 people in the room. The panel ask you approximately 4 questions. In regards to the case study, you will receive an article which you will need to analyse and then discuss. You will have approximately 30 minutes to complete this exercise.
Graduate, Canberra - 09 Nov 2016
I went through the remote interview process so everything was done through Skype, Email and Telephone.
Graduate, Canberra - 08 Nov 2016
First step was addressing a selection criteria. Then a face to face interview and lastly a written scenario based test.
Experienced, Canberra - 07 Nov 2016
After the initial application, we went straight to the Interview/assessment process. Nice and easy process, unlike other departments which have several online tests followed by video interviews, assessment centres and final panel interviews.
Graduate, Canberra - 07 Nov 2016
Initial Job Application with Response to Criteria, Job Interview and then Offer if successful
Graduate, Canberra - 07 Nov 2016
1st step, apply online 2nd step, writing test & face to face interview with panels of 3 3rd step, notified being shortlisted 4th step, offer given over the phone and sign the hardcopy 2-3 weeks later
Graduate, Canberra - 07 Nov 2016
The process was one of the better ones in the APS. I really valued not having an group based assessment centre but I think panel interviews are an important step in the recruitment process. The Department made the process as calming as it could be.
Graduate, Canberra - 07 Nov 2016
The selection process consisted of a written selection criteria, before being asked to participate in a face to face interview. The interview consisted of a panel interview and a writing task.
Graduate, Canberra - 07 Nov 2016
Application, interview and written task.
Graduate, Canberra - 07 Nov 2016