Updating Results

Lander & Rogers

  • 500 - 1,000 employees

Career Prospects at Lander & Rogers

8.7 rating for Career Prospects, based on 13 reviews
Please tell us about promotion possibilities and fill us in on what it takes to move up the ranks.
Unclear on promotion and career progression structure after admission until senior associate.
Graduate, Sydney - 11 Jul 2023
The firm has a clear progression system.
Graduate, Sydney - 05 Jul 2023
Performance reviews are conducted annually, and I believe it is possible to be promoted after a combination of years of experience and merit. After a year of being a graduate, you become a lawyer, and then there are possibilities of being promoted to senior associate, special counsel, and partner.
Graduate, Sydney - 05 Jul 2023
Promotion possibilities generally occur as the per stages of being a lawyer (graduate, lawyer, associate, senior associate, special counsel, partner)
Graduate, Sydney - 07 May 2023
I am a graduate and from what I understand of the career progression opportunities, it seems fair and appropriate.
Graduate, Melbourne - 07 May 2023