Assistant Brand Manager - Hard Surface Care at Reckitt Australia & New Zealand
Bachelor of Commerce at University of Sydney (USYD)
7.00 AM
I get out of bed and get ready for the day! I have breakfast and hop on the bus to get to work – today the marketing team will be working from the office rather than home, so it’ll be great to see everyone in person.
8.30 AM
After getting off at Town Hall, I have a short walk to World Square where our office is. I say hi to our receptionists as I go up to Level 46. Some of my team are already in so I stop for a quick chat as I’m settling into my desk. I check my calendar to make sure I don’t have any meetings soon, and then get anyone interested to grab coffee together downstairs.
9.30 AM
We have our WIP with our PR team on the activations we’re working on for our brand purpose. We’d already briefed them in on what we want to achieve, and they have come back to us with lots of ideas on how that can come to life! We give feedback based on the brand fit, feasibility, robustness of the supporting insights and how effectively it communicates our messaging.
10.00 AM
My team attends a consumer immersion session with our marketing research agency. We’d already pre-aligned on a list of open-ended questions to ask our consumers about their routines and product usage, and we get to meet people from our target demographics and gain greater insight to how they make decisions and shop. We regroup afterwards to discuss what we learnt, and how to turn them into actions.
12.00 PM
Lunchtime! Since we had some new starters this week, we go out to lunch as a big group at a restaurant a couple minutes’ walk from World Square. We also have a birthday on the team, so we bring cake to surprise her. There are so many options near us but we have some favourites we always go back to! Depending on the day, we might eat together at a restaurant, or all get our food separately and come back to the office to eat in the piazza (our office lunch space).
1.15 PM
Fresh from lunch, I have a project WIP with my cross-functional team which includes our supply, R&D and regulations team members. We go through all the projects and product launches we are undertaking, and make sure that we are all on track with our individual parts to make sure we meet all our timelines. Taking time to understand everyone’s roles is super important and interesting to me, since there is so much that goes into making a project happen that I would’ve never have thought of before.
2.00 PM
I head into our fortnightly meeting with our Reckitt leadership team since I have some alignment points needed on my projects. It’ll be held in a hybrid format with some of us online and some of us in the meeting room. I have already prepared a presentation to provide the updates, and have received feedback from my cross-functional team and manager on any builds or information I needed from them over the week. We finish the meeting with clear next steps to action.
3.00 PM
Our Wellbeing Day activity gets ready to start – the team having worked hard to decorate the piazza and prepare snacks and drinks! Previously, we did a terrarium making class and today we have Drag Bingo in celebration of Pride Month. We have a best dressed competition and anyone who didn’t come in costume has a wide range of accessories the team pulled together to choose from.
5.00 PM
After bingo we stay for drinks, to chat and play a bit of ping pong – but then I have to leave since I have dinner plans. I quickly check my emails as I am packing up my laptop to make sure I know what I will be doing tomorrow and that I’ve closed off everything I needed to for today.
7.00 PM
I meet my friends for dinner in the city, we have a really nice time catching up now that everyone is working or preparing to graduate.
10.30 PM
Finally, get home and wind down from my day. Ready to spend the next one working from home!
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