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Stantec New Zealand

  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees

Career Prospects at Stantec New Zealand

7.6 rating for Career Prospects, based on 48 reviews
Please tell us about promotion possibilities and fill us in on what it takes to move up the ranks.
I am still learning about this. I would need to complete the graduate programme to progress beyond being a graduate engineer. I have had a few salary reviews which have resulted in bumps to by salary, but I think that is more to keep competitive and match increasing costs of living. We have career levels, which determine your level of responsibility. You need to be proactive, and interested in expanding either /or your technical skills, you team leading skills, and your business acumen to take on more senior roles. My progression would look something like this: Level 3 - graduate civil engineer Level 4 - civil engineer ? - Principle civil engineer OR project technical lead ? - Senior principle civil engineer OR senior project technical lead
Graduate, Dunedin - 17 Sep 2024
I think with the strong nationwide connection Stantec has there is good opportunity all around the country to progress. In terms of moving up the ranks, there is a well-structured 2-year grad programme that gives guidance to progress from the grad role. The whole process is well supported and there is a lot of support and enthusiasm from the program advisors and team.
Graduate, Hamilton - 24 Aug 2024
I honestly dont want to be in the engineering industry, i didnt study it and i dont feel like it is an appropriate path for me. I want to be in the sciences - there are aspects of engineering geology that are more science focused but we dont get to do much of it - and career progression here is more engineering - which isnt for me. i dont know anything about moving up the ranks other than when youre around 30-35 you seem to be able to become a manager for your team moving up career levels is a bit shady, they make it seem like after 2 years you are no longer a grad, but then you're being charged out as a full engineer but only paid as a graduate - bit frustrating and you have to jump through hoops to move up a "career level"
Graduate, Wellington - 23 Aug 2024
Generally, once a two-year graduate programme is completed and signed off by mentor and line managers, technical knowledge and experiences is up to a recognized level, a promotion can be easily achieved I think.
Graduate, Dunedin - 07 Aug 2024
The grad programme used to be tied to a change in career level but it no longer is, therefore completing the grad programme has zero effect on progressing career levels. For increasing career level you need to complete a list of competencies, provide evidence and get manager support before sending to HR who make the final decision.
Graduate, Christchurch - 05 Aug 2024
did not see too much here.
Graduate, Wellington - 02 Aug 2024
Fill out grad tasks/competencies to move up and complete grad programme
Graduate, Nelson - 02 Aug 2024
Regarding promotion opportunities, our company evaluates employees in terms of their performance. To measure the progress and performance of the staffs it has provided the competencies for the graduates this works as a ladder to step up the career level. Once all the competencies are ticked off and signed by the manager adds to help in the path of promotion. The competencies include the major tasks that are required to be done to gain experience and be prepared for another career level .
Graduate, Wellington - 02 Aug 2024
I am still learning about this. I would need to complete the graduate programme to progress beyond being a graduate engineer. I have had a few salary reviews which have resulted in bumps to by salary, but I think that is more to keep competitive and match increasing costs of living. We have career levels, which determine your level of responsibility. You need to be proactive, and interested in expanding either /or your technical skills, you team leading skills, and your business acumen to take on more senior roles. My progression would look something like this: Level 3 - graduate civil engineer Level 4 - civil engineer ? - Principle civil engineer OR project technical lead ? - Senior principle civil engineer OR senior project technical lead
Graduate, Dunedin - 02 Aug 2024
They lay out exactly how to get from one place to another you just need to ask. There are so many opportunities which is great!
Graduate, Hamilton - 02 Aug 2024
I can move to intermediate, senior, principle etc. You just have to meet all the requirements for moving up a career level but you meet those by just doing good work and having evidence to back you can do things.
Graduate, Lower Hutt - 02 Aug 2024
Unsure at this stage in my career
Graduate, Christchurch - 02 Aug 2024
It seems really hard to get to the next career level from graduate. There is a 2 year grad program in which you complete a lot of competencies but once you are done all that happens is they drop grad in your title. After that you have to do more competencies to get promoted and actually get a salary increase. This makes the grad competencies feel completely pointless and also it feels like they are using us by selling our work at intermediate level but not paying us at that. I think that this originally fit the old 3-year grad programme but they haven't updated. So basically the grad programme is still 3 years but they are selling it as 2 years to new grads.
Graduate, Auckland - 02 Aug 2024
Stantec has quite a structured approach where there are lists of competencies you have to achieve at each career level so the process is quite clear. I think promotion occurs in performance reviews of these competencies.
Graduate, Christchurch - 02 Aug 2024
From what I have seen, promotion possibilities are quite common and the company supports it.
Graduate, Auckland - 08 Nov 2023
I can graduate the graduate programme in two years here and will then be an intermediate engineer. From then on, there are plenty of positions available to move into given positions are available or a new position is created.
Graduate, Auckland - 02 Nov 2023
Company enchourages gaining technical skills and carrer developement. Only to a point though, often it becomes benificial to move companies after a few years.
Graduate, Dunedin - 02 Nov 2023
It take two years and completion of all graduate compentencies/goals till you can be promoted above a graduate level.
Graduate, Auckland - 02 Nov 2023
I feel stuck in one lane. Also difficult to get the time to progress.
Graduate, Auckland - 19 Oct 2023
I will drop the graduate this year and become an Intermediate
Graduate, Wellington - 13 Oct 2023